Welcome to Sopwell Memories where you can enjoy the history and memories of those who live or have lived in Sopwell, St Albans.
Have a browse and discover the many interesting stories and images about Sopwell. And feel free to comment and share your own memories!
Explore our site via the categories below
- Life and leisure
Memories of life and leisure in Sopwell and other areas - Oral history
Local residents' memories recorded and available right here - People
The people make Sopwell such a varied and interesting a place - Places and spaces
Special places you may not have heard of before - Research
- Timeline
Explore Sopwell through the decades - Work
This will include industry and occupations
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Index of all categories
Use the search panel above if you are looking for something specific, or browse our categories and tags and pick one that looks interesting to you.
If you are looking for a specific name, e.g. John Smith, or for a term with two or more words, then it is best to put double quotation marks around them, e.g. “John Smith”. However, the search facility is not case sensitive, so it does not matter if you write a search term in upper or lower case or a mixture of both. Also, the search does not look for whole-word matches; cases where only part of a word matches your search will also be found.
All of the oral history entries contain short recorded extracts from residents. To listen to them, look for the black bar underneath the text and press the play button to the left.
This website has been developed by the residents of Sopwell and the project was funded by a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund.
What’s new
Down my street
If your street is listed, we have some memories!