Betty Entwistle house, a local authority sheltered housing scheme in Holyrood Crescent, was constructed around 1975-76 and officially opened in 1977 with the planting of a tree. The photo below shows a local dignitary doing the planting. In the background are other important people including the then Bishop of St Albans: Rev. Robert Runcie who later became Archbishop of Canterbury. Can anyone identify the other dignitaries? The tree was cut down in 2017 prior to the building’s demolition to make way for a new sheltered housing scheme. The new development now called Eywood House, provides 40 modern homes for people who need the assistance of carers. The scheme will provide purpose-built flats for people aged 55 or above or people over 40 who are physically disabled. Building work started in the summer of 2018 and the first residents moved in spring of 2019. The images below are of the building being before and after demolition and a couple of the new building.
Betty Entwistle was a local councillor.
You ask about the dignitaries in the first photograph. The person planting the tree is Mr Douglas Entwistle. The mayor is Councillor K S Hill CC. Other people present were Mrs I E Stebbings, Chair of the Housing Cttee, Mr Michael J Crocker, Managing Director, Lovell Housing Limited and Mr J Snowdon, Chief Housing Officer. This information is from a leaflet published by the council for the official opening of Betty Entwistle House, 29th January 1977.
Thank you!